The main concept of this still life is “Lapse of Time”. It took almost a year for me to fin-ish this work of art.
Indeed, not only my consciousness, but also the objects of painting and the space surrounding the canvas have been affected by the lapse of time. After the completion of painting, the room was filled with distinct smell of oil and the objects were covered with a thick layer of dust. Drawing the single painting over such a long period enabled me to reflect the lapse of time, which I myself and the objects got through, on the canvas. The beauty of contrast between stillness of the objects itself and constant changes through time is exhibited in this still life.
2014 第一回ホキ美術館アートスクール参加
2017 京都精華大学芸術学部洋画コース卒業
2013 徳島県 放美展
2016 第3回未来展 美大の競演 (東京/日動画廊)
2017 チャレンジとくしま芸術祭 (徳島/徳島県立近代美術館)
2017 京都精華大学卒業制作展 (京都/京都市美術館 )
2017 第22回 アートムーブコンクール (大阪)
2017 IAG Awards 2017 準入選
2017 Gyeongnam Art Museum Art Rainbow 2017 (韓国/Gyeongnam Art Museum )
2018 Art Rainbow Project 帰国報告展 (京都/JARFO 京都画廊)
2018 具象画展(京都/JARFO 京都画廊)
2018 Canvas In Visions(神戸/FLORE Artist Gallery)
2018 It's Only A Paper Moon (京都/JARFO 京都画廊)
2018 LIKE PEAS IN A POD (京都/JARFO京・文博)
2019 吉田杯 小作品コンテスト2019 特別賞(大阪/芝田町画廊)